Automatic Pill Dispenser Comparison

Types of Pill Containers & Dispensers

1. Manual

The containers the pills came in, 7-day pill organizers, + plastic baggies.

This is your standard form pills come in--prepackaged bottles and prescription containers. Many people will sort them into seven-day pill organizers to ensure they're taking everything they need. Others will put them in little plastic baggies to take with them for the day. The sorting process is often lengthy, errors can be made, and there is no form of monitoring for consistency.

2. Semiautomated

Prepackaged pill and supplement packs sent to your home + machines where you presort your pills.

With modern changes to pharmaceutical processes, many people get their prescription pills shipped to their homes. Most of the time, these are not prearranged into the assortment you need for a particular day, so this straddles between manual ~ semiautomated. In the case of supplements, these are often a collection of different vitamins like Vitamin C, collagen, beetroot, omegas, etc. but you don't choose what you get, limiting what you personally need.

The second semiautomated category is pill organizer machines where you're required to sort your pills into the motley you desire before putting them into the machine for them to be dispensed at later times. These are similar to 7-day pill organizers but with the addition of a timer / dispenser.

The third semiautomated category is pill organizer machines where it's mostly automated, but you have to decide container sizes and shapes based on the pills meaning each time you change the contents of a specific container, you have to go thru an identification process.

3. Automated-Lite

Machines where presorting and different sized containers aren't required, but not all pill-types are accepted.

Some automated machines have limitations, like an inability to capture small pills, half pills, or pills of certain materials. These are automated, provided you do not need anything outside the most standard sizes.

4. Automated

Machines where presorting and different sized containers aren't required.

In the truly automated category, the only sorting required is upon preliminary data entry. After entering, you can augment your scheduling, dispensing, and general management via an app. This contrasts with the semiautomated machines which require presorting, thus you cannot make changes without withdrawing the packs from the machine and adjusting manually. They also lack the issues of the limited automation by being all encompassing.

For an in-depth comparison of some existing brands, see this article on Tech-enhanced Life.


When people undergo organ transplants, whether liver, heart, or something else, our bodies reject the doner organ as a foreign and invasive object.

To mitigate this, doctors prescribe medicines to get your body to accept the transplant. Without strict adherence to this regiment for the remainder of your life, your body will begin rejecting the organ and it will ultimately fail.

How does an automatic pill dispenser assist here?

The Mayfall MI-1, MI Suite, and Mayfall Traveler work together to keep your pills scheduled for every part of the day, in emergencies, and records adherence. By incorporating every step from ordering, storing, dispensing, traveling, and recording, Mayfall is the best at-home solution for organ retention.

Can I bring my prescription medicine on the plane?

Today is the big day of travel, and the responsibilities have got you ticking off a list in your mind.

You’ve already checked into your flight, printed boarding passes, reviewed the screen for boarding times and delays, and are confidently making your way to airport security when you remember one thing—you forgot your prescription information at home.

However, you need not fret. Despite common misconceptions regarding flying with prescription drugs in the United States, you are actually not legally required to carry proof of prescription when traveling thru airport security. As long as it’s not in a liquid form, you don’t need to carry your pills in their prescription container at all!

According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website, prescription pills do not need to be in their prescription bottles when traveling through security screening. In fact, the TSA recommends that passengers travel with their prescriptions stored securely in their carry-on bag, so that they have easy access to them in the event of a medical emergency.

All things considered, the most important thing is that you remember to bring your prescriptions, and take them once you need them. One way to easily make sure you do this when travelling is by using a pill administration device, like the Mayfall MI-1, a pill distributor designed specifically with travel in mind. Able to hold up to 24 unique pills for 90-daystorage, the MI-1 is the perfect investment for the thoughtful traveler. Simply insert your pills ahead of time, and kick back and relax as you begin your journey!

Managing multiple regiments & users

Can multiple people use the Mayfall MI-1?


Each user in the Mayfall system is assigned unique IDs, whether owner of the machine or guest user (such as a physician or caregiver)for safety reasons.

Example of how it works.

In the case of two users sharing a machine, each container has the option when setting up who can dispense and alter it. If Samantha has a prescription in Container B, she will set it to so only she can dispense it while Bob—the other user—cannot.

What happens if I forget to take my creatine?

Proper diet and supplementation is crucial to maximizing your health and wellbeing, especially when it comes to building muscle.

That said, the responsibilities of day-to-day life can sometimes interfere with your ability to manage your daily supplements properly. So, what happens if you forget to take creatine? Lucky for you, missing one day of creatine won’t mark the end of your muscle building journey.

Creatine helps the body build muscle by helping increase adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy production. ATP is the most basic form of energy in your body’s cells, but you can only store enough ATP to account for 8 to 10 seconds of high intensity exercise. Creatine supplementation helps you increase your body’s storage of phosphocreatine, which in turn allows for increased ATP resynthesis during physical activity. Unsurprisingly, creatine’s ability to help the body overcome natural ATP fatigue has made it a popular choice among both bodybuilders and athletes alike. Not to mention, it also has nootropic benefits.

But what if you miss a day of creatine supplementation?

Fortunately, one of the benefits of creatine is that it accumulates over a timespan of several weeks, so missing a day or two won’t really hurt you in the long run. Generally, a proper cycle of creatine requires the user to supplement with 15-20 grams of the substance per day for a week straight. This is called the “loading phase” and is usually followed up by a “maintenance phase” of 3-5 grams per day.

One way creatine users can ensure that they are properly loading and maintaining their supplements is by ensuring that they have a consistent distribution schedule. Devices like the Mayfall MI-1 pill distribution system allow users to follow a set schedule for the delivery of their daily pills and supplements. And they need not worry about using different brands—unlike other pill distributors on the market, the Mayfall MI-1 can simultaneously disperse pills of all sizes, including split ones!

What is a Pill Dispenser Worth?

How much is an automatic pill dispenser worth?

Here’s this new type of device. You try proxying the price of it with existing small appliances or untouchable healthcare appliances you see at the doctors or pharmacy. You can’t reach an answer—but you know how much your time is worth and perhaps, how much you’re losing in life by not consuming the vitamins and nutrients you need—so you’re curious.

Before jumping into the value of Mayfall, let’s discuss the alternatives. You have doing everything manually like opening each bottle every day, multiple times a day; organizing a 7-day container (high rate of adherence failure); Hero Health, which sorts only nine, not all pill types, monthly subscription, and you cannot own the machine; and box subscriptions that will never carry all your personal needs aside from wait times on deliveries.

Now here's what Mayfall offers:

-        8-24 containers for unique pill types, each with90+ supply minimum
-        can dispense half-pills
-        no forced subscription—you own the machine
-        integration into your home landscape (ie. the design doesn’t feel invasive)
-        quick traveling capabilities via Mayfall Travelers
-        increased adherence rate for your health (and safety)

Your health is the most important part of your life—for you and others. Decreased nutritional value of foods today requires supplementation. Make the process easy for yourself and automate with Mayfall.

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Automatic Pill Dispenser Comparison
Benefits of an Automatic Pill Dispenser for Organ Retention
Can I bring my prescription medicine on the plane?
Managing Multiple Regiments & Users
What happens if I forget to take my creatine?
What is a Pill Dispenser Worth?
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James Hasso
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Brandon Jetter

James Hasso

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Eduardo Fuentevilla Blanco

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Brandon Jetter


James Hasso

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Eduardo Fuentevilla Blanco

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Brandon Jetter


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