Can I bring my prescription medicine on the plane?


Today is the big day of travel, and the responsibilities have got you ticking off a list in your mind.

You’ve already checked into your flight, printed boarding passes, reviewed the screen for boarding times and delays, and are confidently making your way to airport security when you remember one thing—you forgot your prescription information at home.

However, you need not fret. Despite common misconceptions regarding flying with prescription drugs in the United States, you are actually not legally required to carry proof of prescription when traveling thru airport security. As long as it’s not in a liquid form, you don’t need to carry your pills in their prescription container at all!

According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website, prescription pills do not need to be in their prescription bottles when traveling through security screening. In fact, the TSA recommends that passengers travel with their prescriptions stored securely in their carry-on bag, so that they have easy access to them in the event of a medical emergency.

All things considered, the most important thing is that you remember to bring your prescriptions, and take them once you need them. One way to easily make sure you do this when travelling is by using a pill administration device, like the Mayfall MI-1, a pill distributor designed specifically with travel in mind. Able to hold up to 24 unique pills for 90-daystorage, the MI-1 is the perfect investment for the thoughtful traveler. Simply insert your pills ahead of time, and kick back and relax as you begin your journey!